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27 aprilie 2013


Iata ca am din nou,alta sansa de castig...si ma intreb:Cine sunt cei care-mi vor "binele"?

International Reconciliation and Logistics Vault
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
It is a pleasure to write you that we have reconciled with our logistic department on the reimbursement of some fund spent by you during the cause of your inadequate dealings with some imposters who claim to be staff in banks and other regional payment centers. Our reconciliation teams with the prospectus instrument of the United Nations after freezing suspected imposters account. This support was fully effective with the help of World Bank after a summit meeting in London, on the financial analysis on financial stability issues fluctuating their economy with the international global standard.
After gathering of this sum, our logistic department gave us a list of customers to be paid who fall victims to this imposters due to unawareness. And mode of payment was as well specified for proper conducts and financial regulations to kick against criminality during process of payment. We have arranged your payment through our swift card centers, which is the latest instruction from International Monetary Fund Reconciliation Office.
The card center will send you an ATM Debit card which you will use to withdraw your money in any ATM Center, Banks and Union Pay Credit outlets in the world, You are hereby selected as an honor for this payment approval, which you are to acknowledge the receipt of this mail in returning the required below to the Logistic Department by email listed below.
Office of Reconciliation and Logistics Vaults,
International Monetary Fund (IMF),
Contact Manager: Mr. Chris Morris
Email: chrismorris@yahoo.cn
Full Name,Phone and Fax Number,Contact Address (P.O Box Not Acceptable)
For your information, you have to stop any further communication with any other person (s) or office (s) to avoid any hitches in receiving your payment. Because of Impostors, we hereby issued you our code of conduct, which is (ATM-7750) so you have to indicate this code when contacting the Card Center by using it as your subject.
Kindly be informed that recipients shall be liable to all cost arising for the delivery of the donation parcel. This is due to Legal law protecting all donation funds misappropriation.
Yours in Service,
Mr. Robert Ferguson
Admin Chairman
International Reconciliation and Logistics Vaults
International Monetary Fund (IMF)

21 aprilie 2013

Semne de la FBI

Dragii mei internauti grabiti si in acelasi timp necunoscuti,iata ca am primit din nou vesti despre averea mea,prin cei de la FBI.Este a nu stiu cata oara,cand primesc mesaje de acest gen si culmea,nu sunt primite in spam.Stau si ma distrez de cei de la FBI si evident ca am realizat de la inceput ca este o farsa,venita de la unul din infractorii de pe internet.
Priviti si voi,eu ma distrez...

Robert S. Mueller, III
Senior Office Department
Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI.WASHINGTON DC
Know More About Me: http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/executives/director
I am sorry for the late reply I was not feeling good all this while due to office stress but everything is ok now due to I followed my doctor advice and stayed out of office for two days. I resumed office some hours back and I received update from Mr. Andrew Hill he told me there will be an International Flight today by 9pm and Mr. Andrew Hill will act as your diplomat and deliver the package to you which will take only 18 hours to get the package delivered.
Note: The package you will receive contain a Visa Credit Card which contain $20 Million used, Master Credit Card which contain $200,000 and a verified cashier check worth $3 Million used with the required security document which was made in your name as the sole owner and it also include the security pin you will use to transact with both credit cards.
The sum of $248 is required to enable Mr.Okechukwu Lawrence get a diplomatic package seal with tag or else the International Airport customs will not allow him to board the flight with the package and this diplomatic package seal with tag will be made in your name as the owner of the package.
There is no much time left and the fee need to be paid today to enable him board tonight flight and it will take 18 hours to get the package delivered to you. Send the $248 charge fee and get your package delivered within 18 hours and this will be the only fee and last fee required from you toward this transaction.
RECEIVER NAME: Okechukwu Lawrence
ZIP CODE: 23401
Robert S. Mueller, III
Senior Office Department
Federal Bureau of Investigation FBI.WASHINGTON DC
Know More About Me: http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/executives/director

16 aprilie 2013


Se-aude un suflu orbit
Natura isi joaca in pantece,
Iar codrul deapana amintiri
Si vantul incepe sa sufle...

O joaca se-ncinge-n mustrari
Un vis diurn se poticneste,
Iar calea spre adevar,
Incovoiat un batran povesteste.

O lacrima trece-n abis
Nepasator vidul mai tace,
Sporadic suna-un izvor
Si parca se-ntinereste visarea.

Mustrata floarea de camp
Un zgomot,o face sa tresara
Iar viata tacuta preface
Elanul de primavara.

Stapan pe sine,bradul
Un vant pacatos il inclina
Iar alteori o adiere,
Il mangaie pe crestetul lui aspru.

Pe ce lumi mai rataceste
Cu soapte cufunde natura,
Dorinti inca mustesc
Iar murmurul canta intruna.

Boney James - Hold On Tight

Gregg Karukas - Isabella

14 aprilie 2013

Un fel de primavara...


                      de Magda Isanos

Cu sacu-i plin de banalitati s-a prezentat
si anul asta zana primavara,
cu toate-acestea noi ne-am bucurat
de parca-ar fi venit intaia oara.

Contrazicându-mă cu mine insumi si-n sfarsit,
riscând să-mi stric pantofii prin noroi,
m-am dus să vad ce flori au răsărit
în parcul vast si gol de langa noi.

De mult nu mă-ncercase asa dor
de viata si calcam nerabdatoare;
simteam cum se-nfioara sub picior
pamantul umed, fecundat de soare.

Copacii goi mi s-au parut incantatori -
Parca-as fi vrut să-i strang în brate să-i sarut
(trecusem pana-atunci de-atatea ori
pe langa ei si nici nu i-am văzut)

Iar ceru-albastru, vag, nedefinit
(ca rochiile care ies la spalat),
cu capul dat pe spate l-am privit
si l-am gasit de-a dreptul minunat.

Pe urma-am dat de toporasi langa-un stejar
erau asa de-albastri, delicati -
ca niste firmituri lasate-n dar
de primavara, printre pomi-ntunecati.

M-am aplecat cu inima batând,
dar când era să-i rup, nici eu nu stiu
de ce si cum, dar mi-a venit în gând
ca pentru ei paharu-i un sicriu.                                        

Si m-am întors spre casa mai agale,
c-o oboseala fericita-n pasi,
iar daca mainile-mi erau la fel de goale,

în schimb aveam în suflet toporasi.

10 aprilie 2013

A dat norocul peste mine,din nou.

Ei bine,dragi prieteni,asa cum v-am mai scris,prezicatorii si mediumurile celebre din lume,au avut dreptate in ce ma priveste.Prezicerile si toate semnele lor,au aratat ca in aceasta perioada voi avea noroc si iata,este din nou prezent pe "strada mea",chiar daca soarele de-abia de doua zile,incearca sa incalzeasca frigul si uratenia lunii aprilie.Atat sunt de bogat acum,incat nu mai stiu ce sa ma fac cu atatia bani...La intervale de timp,dupa cum vedeti mai jos,se gaseste cate-un binevoitor virtual,sa-mi declanseze o noua telenovela,de data asta,garnisita cu moartea celor doi copii si a sotiei,intr-un accident de masina,iar "prietenul" meu,avand cancer esofagian,putred de bogat,englez,ce locuieste in Dubai,om de afaceri...hmm ce sa mai lungesc,va puteti da singuri seama,despre ce este vorba.
E interesant,nu am primit in spam emailul de mai jos si asta e ceva care-mi da de gandit.

Dear friend,

Greetings to you and happy new year. This mail might come to you as a surprise and the temptation to ignore it as unserious could come into your mind; but please, consider it a divine wish and accept it with a deep sense of humility. My name is Dr Jerry Michael.I'm a 65 years old man. I am British living in Dubai (United Arab Emirate). I was a merchant and owned two businesses in Dubai.

I was also married with two children. My wife and two children died in a car accident six years ago. Before this happened my business and concern for making money was all I lived for. I never really cared about other values in life. But since the loss of my family, I have found a new desire to assist helpless families. I have been helping orphans in orphanage/ motherless homes. I have donated some money to orphans in Sudan, South Africa , Cameroon, Brazil, Spain, Austria,Germany and some Asian countries.

Before I became ill, I kept $8.5 Million in a long-term deposit account in a finance company . Presently, I'm in a hospital where I have been undergoing treatment for esophageal cancer, I have since lost my ability to talk and my Doctors have told me that I have only a few months to live. It is my last wish to see this money distributed to charity organizations. Because relatives and friends have laundered so much of my wealth since my illness, I cannot live with the agony of entrusting this huge responsibility to any of them.

Please, I beg you in ! the name of the Lord to help me collect the deposit and the interest accrued from the company and distributes it amongst charity organizations . Use your judgment to distribute the money and feel free to reimburse yourself when you have the money for any cost you incure during the process.

I'm willing to offer you a reward If you are willing to help; please reply my private email (drjerrymichaels@outlook.com)as soon as you can.

Dr. Jerry Michael.
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