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29 mai 2013

Appeal to other peoples in the world!

If the text is written in ungrammatical English, sorry, can not be better than that.

These words are addressed to the outside Romania.For starters I want to not take everything I have written here as an offense to you.Think well before you make a mistake again hurt us no matter who you are!In your place I would not take offense and insults as you do, to any people in any country in the world.

You lived in the climate and century philosophy and reason, the greatest geniuses of all time and has gathered lessons to instruct ... all contributed to improving your understanding and giving each of you the best he can to teach and cultivate the nation. You thereby become better or wiser? "
"I am a good citizen, but in any country I would be born, so I was. I am a good citizen because I was always satisfied with the condition in which I found myself. Because I always agreed that fate has destined me nor I had ever blushed it, nor have I envied others".
This is a good quote by Montesquieu and that suits me.
Friends, 50 years of communism until 1989 when there was a large Romanian population manipulation when innocent people died who wanted freedom and a different management regime was enough.
What are we guilty that so many years have not had access to any information outside our borders? What are we guilty that our lives have lived years in hunger and poverty?
Many of you have turned your back on us and to you will not care,because,behind you they were,allies of the Western countries and the most important country ... United States of America.
There over seas and oceans, the cost of destroying civilizations already there, countries like England, Spain, Portugal, France, the Netherlands and formed colonies were enriched as they do nowadays in a modern way.All those countries became colonies are poor and underdeveloped today and those who have invaded are increasingly flourishing.
So what are we guilty that I took part in the course of world history at all abomination from which you have taken part in the nation where you were born and have grown?
There are enough people in our country who are rude and do not know more, it's true.I do not agree with what they do practice, but their should be ashamed and not me who am of Romanian nationality.I am a proud to be Romanian, but unconventional rules.I am proud when we won a football game with a foreign team,when medals in various fields, when we affirm our talents.I am proud to be Romanian, although a fellow countryman of mine do bad things in another country.Instead it should be ashamed, and he deserves all the worst possible.
Finally, please think of better when we say that we are all gypsies and beggars because I'm not, because we're not all like that.
Each country has its gypsies and beggars it, each country has its criminals and villains, each country has its rich and poor, and each country has its shit.
You have the opportunity to search in Facebook, information about me and about many other Romanian people, you can search Google for information about my beautiful country and ordinary people with the fear of God.Unfortunately those who accept to think this about me, about us are naive, poorly educated and malicious and not worth even the mere thought of me.
You know what? Even I do not care if you do not deserve ...
Think and then discuss ...maybe !However life goes so forget what I wrote here.
Thank you!

2 comentarii:

  1. THANK YOU for your visit in my blog and comment^_^ i'm very happy^^

    1. Anna, hai goduto come un bambino come me e qualcuno è interessato al mio blog.Ma la differenza tra la tua e la mia è grande, ma per me non importa.Ho pochi visitatori e non riesco a capire perché non leggere alcuni articoli e voglio dire la gente di qui.Buona cosa che avete visitato in bella Italia così difficile e sono contento.Tanto che io possa teletrasportarsi e baciare le mani.Tieni le tue mani, immaginario, e bacerò entrambi ...:-)
      Buoni pensieri.


Vă rog fiți atenți la cuvintele pe care urmează să le scrieți. Bunul simț este cel care trebuie să primeze si sunt sigur că așa veți face. Mulțumesc ! :-)
Please pay attention to the words that is going to write here. Common sense is the one that should be a priority and I`m sure you will. Thank you ! :-)

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