Acest post,nu are legatura cu nimeni din sfera religiilor,nu vreau sa ofensez pe cineva,este o scrisoare in format electronic
sau cum credeti d-voastra ca e mai bine spus...primita pe adresa de email.Dupa episoadele clarvazatorilor,care mi-au bantuit viata,ceva vreme,devenind intre timp,dupa prezicerile lor un om bogat,extrem de bogat,cu toate problemele rezolvate.Imi spuneau printre altele,sa-i evit pe zgarciti,hehehehee,imi vine sa rad pentru ca la noi,toti sunt zgarciti,nimeni nu-ti da nimic,nu te ajuta la greu,decat atunci cand nu mai ai nevoie,sau e prea tarziu.Imi spuneau ca fac parte dintre persoanele carora nu le place riscul si se simt in siguranta,atunci cand stiu ce se va intampla peste o saptamana.Doamne,dar mi-a placut sa risc mereu,chiar daca am pierdut(si de care voi tine cont),dar ce ma distreaza tare de tot,este ca eu,stiu,dupa afirmatiile lor, ce se va intampla peste o saptamana !!! Nu stiu de unde au putut scoate o asemenea "gaselnita",venita parca din domeniul profetiei,de parca as fi Omul-D-zeu(numai El stie ce va fi peste o zi,o saptamana,o luna...).Ma opresc aici,lasandu-va sa parcurgeti scrisoarea de mai jos si sa va "bucurati "pentru mine,deoarece as putea fi mai bogat...:-)
"Dear Beneficiary, I have paid the fee of your certified international bank Cheque Draft. but the manager of E-co Bank Benin told me that before the check will get to you that it will expire, So for that reason I decided to reach you the total cash of $2.5million united state dollars via FEDEX COURIER COMPANY, and all necessary arrangement of delivering the $2.5million united state dollars in cash was made with FEDEX COURIER COMPANY. Meanwhile try and Send them your contacts information right now to enable them locate you immediately they arrived in your country with your BOX . below is the information they need from you, 1. YOUR FULL NAME__________________ 2. YOUR COUNTRY____________________ 3. YOUR HOME ADDRESS______________ 4. YOUR CURRENT HOME TELEPHONE NUMBER__________ 5. YOUR CURRENT OFFICE TELEPHONE_____________ 6. A COPY OF YOUR PICTURE__ Please make sure you send this needed information to the Director DR. JAMES H. MORGAN (Director) with the address given to you down this copy of my email, Note the. FEDEX COURIER COMPANY don't know the contents of the Box register it as 1 Box Sensitive Photographic Film Material, They don't know it contents money, this is to avoid them delaying with the delivery so be in touch with them to below details here. Company Name: FedEx Courier Company E-mail: Director: DR. JAMES H. MORGAN TEL: +229-6818-3986 Note: I have made every necessary arrangement with DR. JAMES H. MORGAN to make sure that nothing will be an any hold up during the delivery of the box to you, but he honestly give me a full assurance that they will proceed the delivery successful, However feel free to contact them once you got this mail. The Deposit details: Deposit Number: PLCC-101-PL45 Sort/Clearance Code: PLC/101-45/P50 Deposit Certificate N0: 405576 Consignment Description: 1 Box Sensitive Photographic Film Material Depositor: my name. Pastor John. Yours partner Pastor John."
sau cum credeti d-voastra ca e mai bine spus...primita pe adresa de email.Dupa episoadele clarvazatorilor,care mi-au bantuit viata,ceva vreme,devenind intre timp,dupa prezicerile lor un om bogat,extrem de bogat,cu toate problemele rezolvate.Imi spuneau printre altele,sa-i evit pe zgarciti,hehehehee,imi vine sa rad pentru ca la noi,toti sunt zgarciti,nimeni nu-ti da nimic,nu te ajuta la greu,decat atunci cand nu mai ai nevoie,sau e prea tarziu.Imi spuneau ca fac parte dintre persoanele carora nu le place riscul si se simt in siguranta,atunci cand stiu ce se va intampla peste o saptamana.Doamne,dar mi-a placut sa risc mereu,chiar daca am pierdut(si de care voi tine cont),dar ce ma distreaza tare de tot,este ca eu,stiu,dupa afirmatiile lor, ce se va intampla peste o saptamana !!! Nu stiu de unde au putut scoate o asemenea "gaselnita",venita parca din domeniul profetiei,de parca as fi Omul-D-zeu(numai El stie ce va fi peste o zi,o saptamana,o luna...).Ma opresc aici,lasandu-va sa parcurgeti scrisoarea de mai jos si sa va "bucurati "pentru mine,deoarece as putea fi mai bogat...:-)
"Dear Beneficiary, I have paid the fee of your certified international bank Cheque Draft. but the manager of E-co Bank Benin told me that before the check will get to you that it will expire, So for that reason I decided to reach you the total cash of $2.5million united state dollars via FEDEX COURIER COMPANY, and all necessary arrangement of delivering the $2.5million united state dollars in cash was made with FEDEX COURIER COMPANY. Meanwhile try and Send them your contacts information right now to enable them locate you immediately they arrived in your country with your BOX . below is the information they need from you, 1. YOUR FULL NAME__________________ 2. YOUR COUNTRY____________________ 3. YOUR HOME ADDRESS______________ 4. YOUR CURRENT HOME TELEPHONE NUMBER__________ 5. YOUR CURRENT OFFICE TELEPHONE_____________ 6. A COPY OF YOUR PICTURE__ Please make sure you send this needed information to the Director DR. JAMES H. MORGAN (Director) with the address given to you down this copy of my email, Note the. FEDEX COURIER COMPANY don't know the contents of the Box register it as 1 Box Sensitive Photographic Film Material, They don't know it contents money, this is to avoid them delaying with the delivery so be in touch with them to below details here. Company Name: FedEx Courier Company E-mail: Director: DR. JAMES H. MORGAN TEL: +229-6818-3986 Note: I have made every necessary arrangement with DR. JAMES H. MORGAN to make sure that nothing will be an any hold up during the delivery of the box to you, but he honestly give me a full assurance that they will proceed the delivery successful, However feel free to contact them once you got this mail. The Deposit details: Deposit Number: PLCC-101-PL45 Sort/Clearance Code: PLC/101-45/P50 Deposit Certificate N0: 405576 Consignment Description: 1 Box Sensitive Photographic Film Material Depositor: my name. Pastor John. Yours partner Pastor John."
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Vă rog fiți atenți la cuvintele pe care urmează să le scrieți. Bunul simț este cel care trebuie să primeze si sunt sigur că așa veți face. Mulțumesc ! :-)
Please pay attention to the words that is going to write here. Common sense is the one that should be a priority and I`m sure you will. Thank you ! :-)